Wednesday, June 07, 2006


That's right, folks. After a wonderful, five-year run with ImprovBoston's UnNatural Selection/Micetro troupe, I will
join ImprovBoston's TheaterSports cast beginning Mid-June. It is with bittersweet emotion that I depart from my first true improv home. I began performing in early summer of 2001 under the direction of Will Luera in what was then called Micetro. Through four directors and dozens of talented castmates, I battled against eliminations and Darwinism to keep my improv hopes alive. Thursday nights have always been good to me and I hope that I have always been good to Thursday nights.
I wave a sad goodbye to my great friends of UnS and my great director, David Marino (who is also a great friend), and I declare, "UnNatural Selection, I will always know your name and I hope you mine." With that, I take my improv career to Friday nights at 10PM at ImprovBoston Theater. I will perform the remainder of my June schedule with the UnNatural Selection cast - keep your eyes open for TheaterSports shows on my schedule for mid to late June and beyond!

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